Ways to speed up your PC:-

      1) Use Disk Cleanup to:
  • Remove temporary Internet files.
  • Remove downloaded program files (such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets).
  • Empty the Recycle Bin.
  • Remove Windows temporary files such as error reports.
  • Remove optional Windows components that you don't use.
  • Remove installed programs that you no longer use.
  • Remove unused restore points and shadow copies from System Restore.

    2) Detect and repair disk errors

    In addition to running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to optimize the performance of your computer, you can check the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running the Error Checking utility.
    As you use your hard drive, it can develop bad sectors. Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make data writing (such as file saving) difficult, or even impossible. The Error Checking utility scans the hard drive for bad sectors, and scans for file system errors to see whether certain files or folders are misplaced.

    3) Learn all about ReadyBoost

    If you're using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you can use ReadyBoost to speed up your system. A new concept in adding memory to a system, it allows you to use non-volatile flash memory—like a USB flash drive or a memory card—to improve performance without having to add additional memory.
What if water or any other liquid spills on my keyboard?
Solution:- Disconnect the power supply immediately. Tilt your keyboard and let water come out. Now with the help of vacuum cleaner takeout the remaining drops of water.
You can also use vacuum spray can available at computer shops. it will dry out water and will bring out dust.

What is the need of a cooling pad for my laptop?
Solution:- laptops are designed for working in short periods only. if you work on it for a long time continuously or play games the processor will heat up and laptop will be switched off. To avoid this situation cooling pads are available in markets which can keep heat under control.

How often i should clean my PC?
Solution: This is a common question asked by people. Your PC should be cleaned twice in a week externally. Use some spray cleaners to clean your monitor and LCDs.  To clean your keyboard tilt it and tap its back gently. The PC's  need to cleaned internally also. You must clean by opening cabinet and cleaning by damp cloth.
Use vacuum spray cans to remove dust from motherboard and keyboard.

Why not to format Hard Drives frequently?
Solution:- Formatting Hard drives seems to be a good option for speeding up your PC. But formatting frequently can cause permanent hard disk damage. It is found that a bad sector develops when hard disks are formatted frequently. This bad sector acquires your disk space and slow down your PC permanently.

Why to defragment Hard Disks?
Defragmenting hard disks is a very good option for increasing computer efficiency. It stack up the files together like stacking books in shelves. It increases the computer respond time and. results in faster bootups.

Does your computer boots up automatically?
Solution:- This problem is faced by lot of peoples. generally the people think that it is a windows error or a virus has attacked their PC. But this is not what really happens. The actual cause of this is that there is problem with your hardware. Either with your motherboard or your hard disk  So you need to contact your retailer.

What is the need of a graphic card?
Solution:- The graphic card improves the visuals of your computer and also let it to support any new 3d games. It is also important for some designing softwares. Finally it enhances the speed of your computer.

Do applying themes slow down PCs?
Solution:- Yes it is very true that installing themes and changing boot screens effect your computer speed. It also leads to some display problems after some days like wrongly displayed icons, invisible task-bar and many more such problems.

Why to buy original softwares?
Solution:- Original software is that it contains services that pirated version may not contain. The most important feature if original softwares is that we can update them fearlessly and get new versions while on other hand if we update pirated software than company will block them. The pirated softwares generally contain a hack tool. By this hack tool your computer's information can be leaked out easily without letting you know.

What is a trojan?
A Trojan is self-replicating program. it does not harm any software but creates folders and files without your permission.